How does a girl go from Opera to Opry? For Judy Coder, it’s as easy as a costume change.
Some musicians find their creative home in one genre, wearing just one hat. When she takes the stage, Judy Coder is at ease in a variety of styles, and while she believes in remaining true to convention, she has been known to mix it up from time to time. Her version of the jazz classic, “All of Me,” includes a fine scat yodel. She even has one concert promoter who hires her for cowgirl music, but who never fails to request one operatic aria during her program.
Most of her recordings are in the realm of Western/Folk/Americana music, but there are some exceptions. Her Christmas album, “Comfort and Joy,” is more classical in nature. While she has not as yet released a jazz album, she’s looking for the opportunity; check out the audio on her Jazz page.
Judy loves the studio. She has recorded a total of six solo albums, three more with the band Judy Coder and Pride of the Prairie, one with Horse Crazy Cowgirl Band, and two with the current duo, Notable Exceptions. Additionally, she has produced half a dozen albums for colleagues, and consulted on a variety of recording projects.
For all of her currently available recordings, visit the Music page at NotableExceptions.com.